Notice of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on the General Inspection and Acceptance of Construction Project

The English version is for reference only. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Operation Basis

City Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations of Shanghai on Urban Planning, approved Detailed Planning on Controlling of Yangshan Bonded Port (Land Area), Technical Regulations of Shanghai on Administration of Urban Planning, Regulations of Shanghai on Administration of Pipeline Planning and applicable laws and regulations

Scope of Application

The construction unit and individuals complete construction of the construction base and individual projects after environmental construction, according to the requirements of the Construction Project Planning License and attached drawings

Required Materials

Materials to be submitted for planned acceptance inspection:

1. Application for Final Acceptance of Construction Projects in Shanghai (one original in paper form, and one electronic copy or scanned copy)

2. Report on Final Testing Results of Construction Projects in Shanghai (one paper original and electronic copy respectively)

3. Final drawing (plan, elevation and profile drawings — in paper form in one set and one electronic copy)

4. Overall Project Plan and Topographical Map (one photocopy)

5. If the opinions of the fire fighting, green planning, traffic police, hygiene and epidemic prevention, environmental protection authorities are solicited during approval of the construction projects, it is required to submit the acceptance inspection opinions of individual authorities (photocopy).

6. Construction Project Planning License in Shanghai, and Conclusion of Sample Release for Double Checking of Construction Projects in Shanghai (one photocopy)

7. The statistics registration certification as issued by the statistics investigation department in the comprehensive bonded area

Materials to be submitted for acceptance inspection of archives:

1. Application for Acceptance Inspection of Final Archives of Construction Projects

2. Index catalogue of completion archives of construction projects (one to be kept by the construction unit, and the other to be submitted to the urban construction archives management department)

The index catalogue includes: (1) instructions on preparation; (2) basic elements of information and data of the construction projects; (3) contents of records; (4) contents in the records (electronic documents and paper documents)

Materials to be submitted for verification of land:

Report on investigation of attribution of the land ownership of the house (copy of the land survey and boundary reports, and original of field testing report of building area of the house)
License of Ownership of Real Estate and Business License (photocopy)
Letter of Authorization (original), and ID card of the authorized person (photocopy)
Land assignment contract, attached drawings and invoice of payment of assignment money (photocopy and original)
As for industrial projects, it is required to provide the name of the projects, name of the construction unit and the name of the report preparation unit and total investment as stated in the Report on Total Investment Budget of Fixed Assets of Projects (photocopy and original; Room 9, No. 9 Jilong Road; Mr. He, Tel.: 58698867)

Materials to be submitted for acceptance inspection of road planning and pipeline planning: (currently, old systems are in use, so it is unnecessary to make a declaration online, and it is OK to submit the documents in paper form)

1. Application for Acceptance Inspection of Final Planning (original)

2. Report on Final Measurement Results (original), and materials relating to the following-up measurement results of pipeline works in Shanghai (original)

Application Process

1. The construction unit completes the Application for Acceptance Inspection of Final Planning of Construction Projects in Shanghai and attaches relevant materials

2. Field acceptance inspection - Review and reply by the planning department

Application Location and Contact Information

Room 1713, No. 9 Jilong Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Post Code: 200131

Contact: Liu Linna

Contact Tel.: 021-58698721

Fax: 021-58697739

Complaint Mode

Mode of Complaint to the Management Committee of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone:

Tel.: 021-58697800

Fax: 021-58698705


Provided by Lawyers Working Committee of Pudong New Area