Notice of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on the Approval and Issuance of Frontier Port Hygiene License (Exit and Entry Goods Storage Site)

The English version is for reference only. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

I. Operation Basis

Decision of the State Council on Setting up Administrative License for the Administrative Approval Projects to be Retained, and Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People’s Republic of China

II. Scope of Application

The entry-exit port storage operation units apply to handle the Hygiene License for Storage Site at the Border Port

III. Required Materials

(I)Licensing Conditions

The units applying for the Hygiene License for Storage Site at the Border Port shall have the following conditions:

1. Have improved hygiene management systems (hygiene and cleaning systems, goods piling-up hygiene system, medical vector prevention and control system, etc.)

2. Have a fixed storage place

3. Have improved medical vector control facilities

(II) Application materials

When applying to handle the Hygiene License for Storage Site at the Border Port, the entry-exit port storage operation units are required to submit the following materials to the inspection and quarantine authority:

1. Application for Hygiene License for Border Port

2. Qualification certificate of the Legal Representative (if absence of the Legal Representative, it is the responsible person or the owner), and qualification certificate of the agent

3. Photocopy of the Business License for Legal Entity and the Tax Registration Certificate

4. Certificate relating to legal use of the operation place

5. Hygiene management systems (hygiene and cleaning systems, goods stacking hygiene system, medical vector prevention system, etc.)

6. Plan of the storage place

7. Configuration of relevant hygiene facilities

8. Other necessary materials to be submitted as specified by the laws, regulations or rules or by the inspection and quarantine authority

IV. Application Process

(I)Examination and Approval Procedures

1. Acceptance of application

If the application materials have errors that can be corrected at the site, the applicant can be allowed to correct them at the site. If the application materials are incomplete or not in conformity with the legal forms, it is required to notify, at the site or within five days, the applicant of all contents to be made up, or it is deemed accepted from the day upon receipt of the application materials. If the application materials are complete and in conformity with the legal forms, or if the applicant submits all application materials corrected as required by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authority, it is required to accept the application for administrative license. Regardless whether the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authority accepts the application for administrative license, it is required to issue written evidence affixing the dedicated seal of such authority and indicating the date.

2. Review and Issuance of License

After accepting the application, the inspection and quarantine authority shall organize two or more inspection and quarantine persons to conduct the written review of the application materials, and after passing qualified and needing to site review, such inspection and quarantine authority shall organize the site review, and when necessary, conduct the evaluation and monitoring of the medical vector for the entry-exit goods storage place.

The inspection and quarantine authority will make its decision on whether it is accepted, according to the materials review, site review and evaluation and monitoring results. If the legal conditions and standards are met, it is required to grant or issue the hygiene license to the applicant within 10 days after making a decision; if not, it is required to state the reasons in writing, and notify the applicant to have the right to legally apply for the administrative reconsideration or file the administrative lawsuit.

3. Change and Extension

The effective term of the license shall be 4 years. The inspection and quarantine authority will conduct the annual review every year. The entry-exit goods storage operators shall, one month before expiration of the license, apply for re-check and replacement of a new license to the original inspection and quarantine authority. Before replacement of the license, the inspection and quarantine authority shall conduct a review of the hygiene management of the entry-exit goods storage, and if conforming, replace and issue the new license, and if not, once rectification is allowed, but in case of refusal to make rectifications or failure to meet the specified requirements after rectifications, the new license will not be issued. The expired License will automatically become invalid.

(II) Examination and Approval Period

Except for those for which the administrative decision can be made at the site, the inspection and quarantine authority shall, within 20 days from the day when the administrative license application is accepted, make the administrative license decision (except for the site vector monitoring time, the monitoring time shall not exceed one month at maximum) If the decision cannot be made within 20 days, after approval of the person in charge of the inspection and quarantine authority, 10 days may be extended, and the applicant shall be advised of the reason for extension of the term.

If the inspection and quarantine authority makes its administrative license decision and the hearing, tendering, auction, inspection, testing, quarantine, appraisal and expert review are required according to law, the time for these will not be included. The inspection and quarantine authority shall notify in writing the applicant of the time required.

(III) Charging Standards

Subject to the Measures for Charging of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (FGJG [2003] No. 2357), RMB30 for each license shall be charged. Other review fees will be charged according to the applicable regulations.

(IV) Examination and Approval Results

If any administrative license decision is approved for the applicant’s application, it is required to grant or issue to the applicant the hygiene license within 10 days thereafter, and have it disclosed, and people have the right to consult it. If the administrative license decision is not made, it is required to give written reasons, and notify the applicant that it has the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit.

V. Application Location and Contact Information

General Service Hall, 1/F, 9 Jilong Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Post Code: 200131

Contact Tel.: 021-58697067, 58697068

VI. Complaint Mode

Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Contact Tel.: 021-38620168

E-mail of Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau:

Provided by Lawyers Working Committee of Pudong New Area